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Agtechs and the Revolution in Brazilian Agriculture!

Agtechs and the Revolution in Brazilian Agriculture!


Gustavo Libardi



In the Brazilian agricultural scenario, Agtechs are standing out as catalysts for innovation and progress. Driven by the growing demand for technological solutions, these startups are transforming agriculture by offering tools and services that aim to solve the challenges faced by producers.

Agtechs have the potential to revolutionize the way farmers conduct their business, but to do so it is essential that they get closer to the farmer, placing him at the center of operations. This customer-centric approach is essential to ensure that the solutions developed meet the real needs of producers and are easily integrated into their daily operations.

Embrapa's latest censuses and reports highlight the diversity and breadth of Agtechs in Brazil, ranging from fintechs that offer financial services to startups that develop Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence solutions to optimize agricultural production.

Despite the transformative potential of these technologies, Brazilian farmers still face challenges due to the country's vast territorial extension and the different realities and profiles of producers. Access to technology is still limited in many regions due to a lack of infrastructure and connectivity, while the high initial cost of adopting new technologies is a significant obstacle for many producers.

Furthermore, the diversity of agricultural practices requires flexible and adaptable solutions that meet the specific needs of each region and type of agriculture.

It is crucial to delve deeper into issues related to artificial intelligence and modeling to develop more advanced and effective solutions. A deeper approach to these areas can provide valuable insights and enable the creation of smarter, more efficient systems for farmers.

In addition to these challenges, it is essential to establish clear standards and metrics, especially in a sector as dynamic as agriculture, which depends on space and time. A standardized geospatial language can contribute to a more efficient and transparent supply chain, with traceability.

Despite the obstacles, Agtechs continue to play a vital role in modernizing the Brazilian agricultural sector. With private investments and an environment favorable to innovation, these companies have the potential to overcome challenges and contribute even more to the sustainable development of agriculture in Brazil.


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